- 3 solo's + 1 trio - 19h : Els Vandeweyer - dr, perc. and maybe crazy voice 19h45 : Alec Ilyine - guitar, FX, and sound manipulation(?) 20h30 : Hanne De Backer - bar.sx. - conglomerate of melancholy, non-conformism and jokes 21h15 : Trio Roekoer - the previous 3 together!!
Music and lyrics, vocal, piano: Valérie Schiemsky
Guitar: Alec Ilyine photo's © Laurent Orseau
- 1 solo + 1 duet bariton sax 21h : Jordi Grognard 22h: g a b b r o - Baritonsax's Hanne De Backer en Marc De Maeseneer “EL.GUIT.3X”
- 3 solo electric guitar concerts - 21h : Alec Ilyine, “The Sound Escape” - improvised rugged soundscapes 21h45: Vitja Pauwels - Contrasts (both extreme and subtle) and intuitive composing. 22h30: Benjamin Sauzereau - A simple guitar solo “ELS3X”
Els Vandeweyer invites… 16h : Alec Ilyine, “The Sound Escape” - el.guitar + FX 17h: Billie Hanne, poetry and space impact, some dance 18h: Rieko Okuda: “Metal Illusion” keyboard and visuals
Drum part recordings for the 'Homage to Josef Albers' album. Dirk Wachtelaer plays his interpretation of 'Homage to the Square' paintings.